Ancient Dacian with Funny Hat.
They developed a society composed of agriculture, ceramics, metal-working, etc. Like many of the peoples in this region, they were more or less peaceful, having minor skirmishes with other tribes and also the occasional Celt, Sarmatian and Germanic tribes. Then one day, drunk on tuica, they decided to attack Rome. This made the Romans angry.
Emperor Trajan of Rome sent many armies against the Dacians and by 105 AD, the Roman armies had defeated their enemies and razed their capital of Sarmizegethusa. Trajan didn't much care for the Dacians
When the Dacian lands became part of the Roman Empire it was colonized by Roman citizens that were refered to as "ex toto orbe romano" or, citizens from the regions controlled by Rome, such as the Arabic peninsula and even Northern Africa.
Citizen of Rome that helped colonize the Dacian kingdom.
So what do you do when your country is invaded by foreigners that execute a genocidal policy against your people and give your lands and women to other foreigners?
You call yourself a Roman.
That's correct. In Romania, names like Tiberius, Cesar, and even the man himself, Trajan are common. Even the name for this country "Romania" was chosen because they want to celebrate the centuries of rape and pillage carried out by the Roman Empire and to show their ties to the Italian peninsula, where even today they are despised and spit on by modern Italians.
Not that I have a problem with any of this...except that Romanians are very upset that the gypsies or "tsigani" refer to themselves as the Roma people. According to Romanians, this unfairly implies that the Roma are somehow connected historically to the Romanians who perceive themselves as being somehow connected to the Roman empire.
Oh, those stupid Romanians who perceive themselves as being somehow connected to the Roman empire... it's not like their language is one of the closest to Latin or anything...
I sense bitterness in your article :) teh origin of the "romania" name comes from "romance laguage". romanians (or their ancestors)were referred to as "romance speakers of the East" by foreigners - this is hopw they were separated from their neighbors since they were the only romance language speakers in Eastern Europe
yes some people say it comes from Roman empire, but no its come from "romance speakers". Romanians actually celebrate Dacians as true ancestors
the dacian statue in teh article belongs to Decebal, the last dacian king who died in fighting romans. Rome was in economic decline and they needed the huge amounts of Gold that Dacians had in Carpathian mountains
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